Resident status
Modification date: 2022-11-29 / View count: 1838

resident status and residence permit

Georgia has a liberal immigration policy: it is easy to obtain Residence. The incorporation of a business or the accreditation of a professional activity is enough to obtain a temporary permit. By making an investment of 300 000 GEL, you can be eligible for an unlimited period and become a Permanent Resident.

Tax residence in Georgia is interesting because of its tax system, one of the most painless in the world. It is possible to have a tax-free residence, provided that no georgian source income is earned.

Although local source income is taxed at 20%, dividends and interest are only taxed at 5% and are not included in personal income tax. Taxes on rental income are also reduced (5%).

Georgia is a business-friendly country. Incorporating a business is easy, its registration process fast. Your reinvested profits are tax exempt and those distributed are taxed at 15%. Dividends received from foreign sources are not taxable.

Georgia has a reliable banking system that guarantees confidentiality. Georgia does not participate in OECD commitments in terms of disclosure of banking information. Opening an account is very easy and banks are currently paying good returns on deposits.

Georgia has many assets, the progress of its reforms, its very competitive tax regime, its easy access, its strategic location, its low labor costs and its easy-to-get residence permit make this country an attractive place to invest, develop a business, and diversify its finances.

Residence in Georgia


Nationals of the countries listed below are exempt from visa requirements. It should be noted that citizens of the European Union or Turkey do not need a passport to enter the country, their national identity card is enough.

You can stay on Georgian territory for a period of one year. You are allowed to work and start an economic activity, and apply for a residence permit.

EU States *, Albania, Andorra, Antigua and Barbuda, Argentina, Armenia, Australia *, Azerbaijan, Bahamas, Bahrain *, Barbados, Belarus, Belize, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Botswana, Brazil, British Dependent Territories *, British Overseas Territories *, Brunei, Canada *, Colombia, Costa Rica, Dominican Republic, Denmark Territories *, Ecuador, El Salvador, French Republic, Territories *, Holy See, Honduras, Iceland *, Israel *, Japan *, Kazakhstan, Kuwait *, Kyrgyzstan, Lebanon, Liechtenstein *, Malaysia, Mauritius, Mexico, Moldova, Monaco, Montenegro, Netherlands *, New Zealand *, Norway *, Oman *, Panama, Qatar *, Russia, Saint Vincent and the Grenadines, San Marino, Saudi Arabia*, Serbia, Seychelles, Singapore, South Africa, South Korea, Switzerland*, Tajikistan, Thailand, Turkey, Turkmenistan, Ukraine, United Arab Emirates*, United States of America* and Uzbekistan.

Residence permit in Georgia

Getting a residence in Georgia is relatively easy. Once a job is obtained, an investment made, start an economic activity, you can apply for the Residence permit. The application and the required documents must be submitted in Georgian, English or Russian. 

There are several types of residence permits. The three main ones being those related to work, investment and Permanent Residence permits.

  1. The Work-Related Residence Permit is issued to persons who are going to do business or work, on their own account or for others. You must prove that you have a job and/or a professional activity (by means of an employment contract or a self-employed professional's licence for example) or a bank account attesting that you have at least twice the average subsistence cost per month, for the duration of the permit (this is required for self-employed workers). You get it between 10 days and a month.  
  2. Residence permit for investment. This unlimited residence permit is issued to you (and your spouse and your children) if you invest at least 300 000 GEL (100 000 €) in the country in accordance with the Investment Guarantee Law. A document certifying the investment and a written recommendation from a member of the Administration of Georgia or three citizens of Georgia, entitled to represent a business subject operating in Georgia, are required.
  3. Permanent Resident Permit. This permit is issued if your spouse, your father or your mother are Georgian. Or if you are legally resident on the territory with a temporary residence permit for 5 years (except studies, medical treatment or diplomatic questions) then, you can apply for a permanent residence permit. A document proving the legal income will be requested.

Applying for Georgian citizenship

The Georgian passport has become very attractive. Following the agreement that entered into force in 2017 between the European Union and Georgia, Georgian citizens can access the Schengen Space without having a visa.

In addition, citizens of Georgia do not need a visa to travel to a large area of Latin America, Malaysia and Indonesia, among others. (More information on Being Georgian has become an interesting passport option.

In addition to blood ties, it is technically possible (under certain conditions) to obtain citizenship after having been a resident of the country for at least one year under a new decree also dated 2017. We will advise you on this point. 

According to more standard procedures, a foreigner may apply for citizenship in Georgia if he/she meets the following requirements:

  • Apply for Georgian citizenship according to the ordinary procedure: the applicant must have a job, or being a property owner, or must develop commercial activities, or being an ownership of shares in a national company, being a legal and uninterrupted resident for 5 years, know the basics of the Georgian language, the basics of Georgian history and the basic principles of the Law.
  • Apply for Georgian citizenship under the simplified procedure: the applicant is the spouse of a Georgian citizen and has resided legally in the country for 2 years. As in the previous case, this requires knowledge of the basic language, history and principles of Georgian law.
  • Apply for Georgian citizenship according to the extraordinary procedure: an foreigner may apply for georgian citizenship in an extraordinary procedure which is granted by the President of Georgia under Article 12 of the Constitution, if the applicant has a special merit or represents a special interest for the State. At least two letters of reference from georgian citizens will be required.


We advise you on how to obtain Resident Status and residence permit.
We assist you in all the procedures for obtaining Resident Status for you and your family, Registration of your application, renewals, etc. of your residence permit.

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